Some of my Creations

Thursday, January 28, 2010


It's a cold snowy day here in Socorro. I woke up to about 3 inches and a 2 hour delay for school...always nice! Snowy days like this make me want to stay inside all day and be cozy. Maybe make some jewelry, drink something hot and tasty, take a nap with my cat. Well, none of those things happened...had to go out in it and make my way to Statistics class this afternoon...I lead a sort of double life. I live in Socorro during the week and attend school, and then I'm home in Santa Fe with my family for the weekend. I don't have any of my jewelry making stuff down here in Socorro for the simple fact that I would never get anything else done if I did! No reading, homeworke assignments, writing of papers or work would get done! As it is I spend waaay too much time on Etsy everyday...I think I'm addicted to craftcult's Heartomatic too! Hmmm, the snow is making me want to create something with white pearls and crystals....I'll have to work on that this weekend maybe!

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